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Johann Simmon Ehlert born unknown lived No. 18 Belle, Lippe married Anne Marie Düvels No 12 Belle. They were the parents of Henriette Dorothea Ehlert born 1788 who married Adolph Erxmeyer of Maspe in Belle in 1812.

See Düvels and Erxmeyers in Germany

Anne Marie Düvels was the daughter of Johann Carl Düvels of No 12 Belle, and Anne Marie Ilsabein Möllenbrock, of Belle.

See Möllenbrock

The records for Ehlert in Belle are limited to Johann Simon Ehlert and his descendants. 1780 Ehlert listed in Bega by Lippische Familiennamen. Elert listed in 1780 in Brüntrup Blomberg, Reelkirchen, Blomberg, and Kirchdonop u.a. Donop Blomberg. Not listed in Belle.

Ehlert/Elert, Belle, Lippe, Germany, No. 18

Johann Simon Heinrich Ehlert/Elert★ (Born ?? lived No 18, Belle) Anne Sophia _____ and Anne Marie Düvels★

Birth: Date and place unknown.

Johann Simon Ehlert appears to have married at least two times.

Marriage: Anne Sophia ______ ????


  1. Johann Fritz Ameling, #1 Belle, father Simon Hans Ehlert No 18, mother Anne Sophia Wins-- D--- No 24, 9 15 February 1760.

    Further Records:

Death of First Wife: ?????? Anne Sophia Ehlert #20, 10, 13, February, 1763, Belle, No. 18 age 38


  • This was the first death record for the name Ehlert in Belle between 1740 and 1764.
  • Born circa 1725
  • The "No 18" indicates a relationship with Johann Simon Ehlert

Marriage 1763: #5, Belle, 22 April 1763, Joh. Simon Ehlert "Musquetier [musketeer] bei Ho-hp--f-- Sch-umbf Lippe Regiment, No 18 mit Anna Marie Düvels aus No 12 copulite *1730 N- 38."


  • The way these records were kept "*1730 N- 38" should have refered to the baptism of Anna Marie Duvals. 1730 baptism #38 does not refer to Anne Marie Düvels. I believe that his was a clerical error and #38 should have been "#28". Baptism #28 for 1730 lists: Von Belle, Anna Marie Lizebethe "Düveling". See Düvels below.
  • Anne Marie Düvels was 33 at the time of this marriage.
  • The records for the name Ehlert in Belle, Lippe are limited to the marriage and descendents of Johann Simon Ehlert, with one exception.* This may indicate he was not originally from Belle.
  • Johann Simon Ehlert was consistently listed at No. 18, Belle. While numbers were included on most of the records after 1740, they were not included on any of the records before 1740. So I do not know who may have been at No. 18 prior to 1760.
  • Where was Johann Simon Ehlert born? There are a lot of Ehlerts in Reelkirken including a Johann Simon Ehlert born 1735. I need to take a look at this.

  1. Johann Christoph Ehlert/Elert★, No 18, Belle, (1764-1826) and Anne Marie Holtz[in]★ from Istrup

    Birth: Johann Christoph Ehlert #22 Belle, April 16 23, 1764, father, Simon Heinrich Ehlert No. 18, mother, Anne Marie Elizabeth Düvels, aus, No 12 witnesses: four, no Ehlert or Durwel

    Marriage: #12, Belle 5 November, 1786, Christoph Ehlert mit Anne Marie Holt- en aus Istrup


    • Almost all of the marriages of the time listed a "No.". There was no such listing on this entry.
    • Istrup is a small village near Blomberg. No LDS record for Istrup in the 1700s. May be at Blomburg.


    1. Henriette Dorothea Ehlert/Elert★ born Belle, Lippe, (1788-) and Adolph Erxmeyer★

      Birth: Henriette Dorothea #10, Belle February 8, 17, 1788, father Christoph Ehlert No. 18, mother Anne Marie Holtzn, witnesses five no Ehlert or Holtzin.

      Marriage: Wöbbel LDS microfilm #0582502, 1812, -14, (14th and last marriage of the years) 26. ?br. Adolph Erxmeier _______ Erich ?, of Maspe and Henrietta Ehlert of Belle 8.7.1788*

      *I thought this was her birth date. But her birth date was Feb. 8, 1788.


      1. Heinrich Ernst Wilhelm★ 1813 Maspe
      2. Friederich Christopher 1814, Wobbel microfilm
      3. Ernst Heinrich Christopher 1818 Belle
      4. Friederich Wilhelm 1820 Maspe
      5. Friederich Ernst Carl Conrad 1823 Wobbel microfilm
      6. Friederich Wilhelm Ludwig 1826, Bellerson/Bokendorf
      7. Carl Friederich Adolf 1828 Belle
      8. Carl Martin 1831 Bokendorf/Bellerson
      9. Ann Marie 1834 Bokendorf/Bellerson

      See Erxmeyer

    2. Sophia Wilhelmina, #28 Belle, 16 20 July 1790 of Christoph Ehlert No 18 and Anne Marie Holtzen, Wintesses 4 no Ehlert or Holtzen


      1. Carl Ernst Adolph: page 127, 1819 #56 Belle illegitimate, ange-gebre ?? father Friedrich Kilker aus Blumburg, mother Sphie Ehlert, witnesses: Ernts M---, Adolph Erich, Carl Heinrich Bruggemann, Christoph Ehlert

        Death: ✟ 1822 noted on baptism

        #27 Belle, 1822, 10 13 September Carl Fretz Adolph Gilker word n Ehlert age 3, Brustklrankheit [lung disease]

    3. Amelia Elizabeth Elert, #33, Belle, September 13, 16, 1792, father Christoph Elert mother Anne Marie Holtzen aus Istrup, witnesses, Amelia Elert aus Belle, Elizabeth Düvel aus Belle and Amelia Holtzen aus Bill---briel ????

    4. Friedrike Louise Ehlert, Belle (1796 - ) and Johann Ernst Friedrich Kunderding aus Istrup

      Birth: Fredrike Louise, father Christoph Ehlert, No 18, mother, Anne Marie Holtke aus Istrup, #10 Belle, 1796 March 6 13, witnesses: Anne Catherine Elert, Belle, Amelie Fhilipe aus -------- Louise Wie---- aus Reelkirken

      Marriage: 1828 # 3 6 January, Johann Ernst Friedrich Kunderding aus Istrup and Fridreke Louise Ehlert einlieger [tenant farmer] --ht-- Belle, page 137.

    5. Johann Freidrich Wilhelm #18, 1799, 8 17 March, father Christoph Ehlert No 18, mother Anne Marie Höltze aus Isrup, witnesses: John Friedrich Manke aus ____ Joh Fredirich Rhode aus Bre----- Joh. Hein Schu-ing aus Belle, Wilhelm Mollenbroch ______ (sic) [The same as the line above]

      Death: ✟ noted on baptismal record.

      1800 #3 Belle, 22 24 January Friedrich Wilhelm Ehlert No 18, 9 months, durchfall [diarrhea]

    6. Marie Dorothea Louise, #24 Belle, 1801 26 April 3 May, father Christoph Ehlert, mother Anne Marie geb Höltze aus Istrup witnesses; Hedwig Duvels aus Belle, Louise Brandt _______ _______ (sic), Marie Nabers, ______ ______ (sic) Elisebeth Schu-- aus D-- Ni-s-

    7. einer ----- Sohn [son] #21, Belle, 1804, 15 March father Christoph Ehlert ehefrau [wife] No 18, mother Anne Marie Höltze aus Istrup no witnesses.

    Death: 1804 #20, Belle, 15, 18 March, geber ??? Deb Einlieger [tenant farmer] Christoph Ehlert in Belle Ehesre- Anne Marie geb Holts von Jh-ug?? three words, in age column, "kein ??? [not] alter [old age]", cause of death, ladtgebohren???

    Death of Christoph Ehlert: #10, 1826 14 April 17 April, Christoph Ehlert age 62, nerven fieber [typhus]

  2. Henriette Marie Friedrike Ehlert (1765-1827) and Johann Friedrich Lange [Ehlert/Elert]

    Birth: Henriette Maria Friedrike Ehlert of Simon Heinrich Ehlert No 18 and Anna Matie Düvel No 12, December 3, 8 1765, witnesses: three, no Ehlert or Düvels, #31

    Marriage: #6 Belle, 30 September, 1787, Johann Frederich Lange aus No 32 Wobble mit Henriette Ehlert No 18 Belle.


    1. Amelia Dorothe, #15, Belle, 9 16 March, 1788, father, Friedrich Ehlert, No. 18, Junior, geb Lange [born Lange - so his name changed form Lange to Ehlert], mother Henriette Ehlert, witnesses: Amelia Lange, Anna Catherine Ehlert, Elisabethe Duvels alla - ause Belle, Marie Schuf-- aus Maspe, Hedwig -- aus ---- Elisabethe --- aus Holthausen

    2. Johann Friederich, # 23, Belle 30 June 8 July 1792, father Johann Friederich Ehlert geb Lange No. 18, mother Henriette Elerts, witnesses: four including Simon Heinrich Elert in Belle [Who is this Simon Heinrich Elert? Is this the grandfather?]

      Death: #14, Belle 1817 March 24, 27, Friedrich Ehlert, sobert ??? word sohn Jo Stolle ??? 25, scheird--uht????

    3. Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Ehlert (1794-1820) No 18, Belle, and Fredrike Bruggemann (and Johann Friedrich Wilhelm geb. Joachim (Ehlert))

      Birth: Circa 1794 based on age at death.

      Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Ehlert, #28, Belle, 2 14 September, 1794, father Johann Friedrich Elert Lange, No. 18, mother, Henriette Ehlert, witnesses: Fritz Bliren ?? aus Belle, Johann Fredirch Brinckmeier Wobbel, Wilhelm S-egmiere aus Belle, Jobst Schohen aus Belle

      Marriage: 1820 #10 Belle, 29 8br (August), Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Ehlert, No 18 and Friedrike Bruggemann, Belle


      1. Wilhelm Fredrich Ernst Ehlert (1821-) and Anne Marie Krie-meier

        Birth: April 1821, per marriage record

        #20 Belle, 12 22 April, 1821, phrase I cannot read, Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst, father Wilhelm Ehlert No 18 mother Fredrike geb Bruggemann, witnesses: Wilhelm cannot read, _ (sic) cannot read, Ernst Bruggemann, Friedrichh cannot read and _______ (sic) cannot read

        Note: Wilhelm Ernst Freidrich Ehlert was born eight months after the marriage of Johann Heinrich Ehlert and Fredrike Bruggerman and seven months after the death of Johann Heinrich Ehlert.

        Marriage: 1849 #16, 2 ?? Belle, Ehlert Wilhelm Friedrich (word) No 176 son of Joh. Fridrich Ehlert, No. 18 (176) in Belle and (word) Friedeike geb. Bruggemann born 12 April 1821 to Anne Marie (word) Krei(smudge)meier daughter of ---- Krie-eier No 26, in N-and wife Anne Marie (word) born 18 June 1820 (three words)

        He was 28 years at the time of the marriage.

      Death of Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Ehlert: Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Ehlert age 26 years 2 months, No. 18, 1820, #47 Belle, Sept 13, 16, Lungenpest [plague]

      Remarriage of Fredrike Bruggemann Ehlert: #18, 1821, Belle, 25 September, Johann Freidrich Wilhelm Joachim of Belle and Wittwe [widow] Fredirch Ehlert No 18 Belle, geb. Braggerman No 4 (word)

      Children of Fredrike Bruggerman Ehlert and Freidrich Joachim Ehlert:

      1. Freidrich Ernst Christoph #16, 1824, 31 March 4 April, of Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Ehlert No 18, geb Joachim, and Freidrike C--oline geb Bruggemann, Witnesses: Christoph Bli--- _________(sic) Bruggemann, Ernst _ (sic) and Fredrich Schroder

        Death: 1846 #15, Belle, Ehlert, Friedrich Ernst Christoph Ehlert, eheliche- [ligitimate] son of Col ?? J. Fr. W. Ehlert No 76 (18), 26 29 May age 23, born 31 March, 1824, brustkrankheit [lung disease, TB]

      2. Dorothee Sophie Wilhelmine #50 Belle 11 7br 16 7br, 1827 of Joh Friedrich Ehlert No 18, and Friedricke geb Braggemann witnesses Sophia Jauhim, Dorothee no last name Sophia Ga--- and Wilhelmina Braggemann

        Death: 1828, #46 Belle, 24 27 August Dorothee Sophia Wilhelmine Ehlert No 28 cause of death, age 11 moth 8 days

      3. Heinrich Christopher Wilhelm of Fredircih Ehlert , #62 Belle 8 *br 18 *br 1829, No 18, and Friedrike geb. Bruggemann witnesses, Christopher Jorhiu???? Wilhelm Elert, ______ (sic) Schenider and Heinrich Erichs

      4. Friedrich Carl Christopher, #26 Belle, 19, 28 April 1833 of Fredrich Ehlert No. 76 (18) and Friederike nee Bruggemann witnesses Friedrich S---m, ---- --------- and Christopher -------

      5. Amalie Dorothee Wilhelmene Charlotte of Frierich Ehlert No 78 (18) and Friedirke Bruggemann Belle, 17 26 (month) #71, 1836, witnesses Dorothee Schneidr, Charlotte Sch-i-er Wilhelminia ---- Amalie ----- Wilhelmine -------

    4. Marie Catherine Ilsabine, father Freidrich Elert No 18, Belle, mother, Henrietta Ehlert, the same, #52, 1796 15 20 November, witnesses: Anne Marie Ehlert Belle, Louise Br-ndt, Louise Bruggemann Catherine Beckmieier

      Death: ✟ noted on baptismal record

      The only seemingly appropriate death I found was: "Henriette" Ehlert No 18, Belle, age 6 years 6 months, 1803 #15 3 6 month, bruskrankhiet [lung disease, TB]

    5. Johann Frederich Conrad, #41, Belle, 8 16 September 1798, father Freidrich Elert No 18, mother Henriette Elert the same, wintesses: Conrad Lange aus Her-- Simon HHeinrich Lange aus Belle, Fredrich Lange ______ ______ (sic) [I think it means the same as the line above.]

      Death: 1801 3 6 Jan #1 Belle, Johann Fredrich Lange Ehlert No 18, 2 years and four months, ruhe [diarrhea] and a phrase I cannot read, No 18

    6. Amelie Dorothe #47, Belle, 1800, 9 12 October, father Friedrich Lange word Ehlert No 18, mother Henriette Ehlert, witnesses: Henriette B?uchten aus Belle, Amelie Duvel _____ ______ (sic), Hedwig Bessen ____ ______(sic) Elsibeth Geisre ?? aus I-trup
    7. Sophie Henriette Elisabeth #34 Belle, 1804, 16 June 4 July, father Friedrich Ehlert No 18 geb Lange aus Wobbel, mother Henriette geb. Ehlert, witnesses: Dorothe ----- Sophie Gabreile Henriette Ehlert, Dorothea S--meier, Sophie Lnage

      Death: Sophie ___ Elisabeth Ehlert 1805, #24, No 18, 11 1/2 months durchfall [diarrhea]

    8. Carl Friedrich Heinrich #31 Belle, 1807, 16 17 May, father Friedrich Ehlert geb Lange aus Wobbel, mother, Henriette geb. Ehlert witnesses: Carl Dug ??, Friedrich Schu-ing, Joh. Heinrich Rubert

      Death: #41 1811, Belle, September 27 30 Carl Friedrich Lange Ehlert No 18, 4 years 5 months measels.

    Death of Johann Friedrich Lange Ehlert: Before 1827.

    Death of Henriette Ehlert: 1827 Belle, #13, 1 September 4 September Wittwe [widow] Henriette Ehlert No. 18 age 62, -u--aheurg???

    These rather unusual records where the husband is assuming the wife's name (not the other way around) are explained by Fred Richter on his website:

    "One custom in Lippe that makes genealogy research difficult and sometimes frustrating is when the hereditary of a farm passes to a daughter or widow. The name of the farm is retained, so if the woman marries, her spouse must assume the name of the farm, as do any children produced by them."

    See A Story and History of my Ancestors of Wöbbel, Lippe, Germany by Fred Richter

  3. Anna Catherine Dorothea Elisabethe Ehlert, #22 Belle, 29 May 4 June, 1769, father Simon Heinrich Ehlert, No 18, mother, Anna Maria Düvels aus No 12, witnesses, Elisabethe Durmold aus Belle, Anna Catherine --- Düvels --- and one other Dorethe -----

  4. Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Ehlert #13, Belle, 14 24 February, 1771, father Simon Heinrich Ehlert No 18, Mother Anne Marie Düvels, 4 witnesses.

  5. Amelia Helene, # 54 September 18 25 1774, father Simon Heinrich Ehlert No 18, and Anne Marie Düvels aus No 12, witnesses, Helene Dur---l- asu Belle, Helene --- Anna Marie Schmidt and Anne Marie Du------ sus -----------

  6. Child:

    1. Amelie Dorothe Elisabeth Ehlert of Amelie Ehlert No 18, father unknown, #2 Belle, Jan 9 13, 1793, no witnesses

      Death of Amelie Dorothe Elisabeth Ehlert: 1795: #50, 21 24 Dec Dorothe Elert No 18, Belle, 3 years, mesern [measles].

Death of Simon Ehlert: I did not find it.

Death of Ann Marie Elizabeth Düvels Ehlert: #3, Belle, October 21, 1788, Anne Marie Elizabethe Ehlert No. 18, 56 years, mutten-al--ge

Konrad Ehlert

Birth: No later than 1756 based on an age of 20 at the time of the birth of his child.



  1. Rosine Florentina illigitimate #39, Belle, 1776, 2 8 November father, Konrad Ehlert aus No 18, mother, Wilhelmine Ruhtem Eiutz (????) two words, three witnesses: Ilsabine ____, Ilsabine Ku----, Dorothe Eicl----- all of Wobbel

Note: He could be a child of a first marriage of Simon. He could NOT be a child of the marriage of Simon Ehlert to Anne Marie Düvel.

Ehlert Baptisms

Sophie Louise Amalie Hedwig illegitimate argegeb.?? father Friedrich Altenbernd of Cothe and Fredeike Dorothea Ehlert word word Erich #40, Belle, 4 12 April witnesses: Fredrike Ehlert, Luise Bruggemann, Catherine S--- Amelie Duvels, Hedwig Fh---- Sophie Ehie--

Note: Her connections are to Henriette Marie Friedrike Ehlert (1765-1827) and Johann Friedrich Lange [Ehlert/Elert]. May be Amelie Dorothe baptized in 1800 daughter of Henriette Marie Friedrike Ehlert (1765-1827) and Johann Friedrich Lange [Ehlert/Elert].

Ehlert Marriages

1828, 6 January #3, Johann (word) Friedich Kunder-ing son of (word) to Friedricke Luise Ehlert daughter of (word) Belle, (words), Belle

Ehlert Deaths

1829: Belle February 2, 6 1829 Amalie Ehlert No. 18 age 28 years 4 months auszelrung [consumption]. Born circa 1800.

1836 Death of Einliegerin [tenent farmer], Wittwe [widow] Marie Ehlert age 78, altersschwache [weakness of old age] Note: If the age at death is correct, she was born circa 1758.

Ehlert Reelkirchen

There were several E[h]lert families in Reelkirchen as early as 1692.

Hausinschriften in Reelkirchen Reelkirchen Nr. 12 (Reith, ehemals Ehlert) Mittelstraße 30. Ab 1875 Leweke, sp. Trachte, Diekmann.


DEN DIE WELT HAT DAS IHRE [the world has her] LIEB DIEWEIL IHR VON [beloved, for as much your from] DER WELT SEIT. DARUM [the world since Darum [for that reason] HABE ICH [I have] ER WELET [his world?] DER WELT [the world] DEN 10. JULI [July 10] ANNO MDCC48. [1848]


[Simon Jobst Elert and Anna Marie Alberts, 1748]

From Hausinschriften in Reelkirchen

genealogische Daten der Erbauer: Simon Jobst Ehlert (Elers), ev., Mittelkötter [farmer] in Reelkirchen, Nr. 12 [born] 27.07.1718 in Reelkirchen, - 07.08.1718 in Reelkirchen. [died] 12.07.1795 in Reelkirchen, [buried] 15.07.1795 in Reelkirchen. [married] 09.05.1738 in Reelkirchen mit Anna Maria Elisabet Albers, ev., lebte in Reelkirchen [born] 27.12.1716 (v) in Reelkirchen, - 27.12.1716 in Reelkirchen [buried] 11.08.1789 in Reelkirchen

Der Herr führet seine Heiligen wunderlich. (Ps. 4.). Kannst du mich, lieber Herr und Gott, wunderlich führen, hilf durch deine Gnade, daß ich dir auch wunderlich folge, und bereit fei, auch mein Leben, wenn es dir gefällt, um deinetwillen in die Schanze zu schlagen, und dich allein zum Freunde behalte.

[The Lord bringeth his saints wonderfully. (Psalm 4) or But know that the Lord leads his godly; the LORD hears when I call to him.] Can you hear [or take] me, dear Lord God? Lead wonderfully, then. Helped by your grace I too will follow. Ready my life if it pleases you. For your sake I will risk to slagen [fight?] and thee alone keep friends.

What happened July 10, 1748?

Photo 2014 Maggie Land Blanck


  1. Anna Maria Elert 22 Apr 1692 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Simon Elert Mother's Name: Ilsabe Mother's Birthplace: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  2. Justina Liesebeth Elerts 01 Nov 1692 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Hans Herman Elerts Mother's Name: Liesebeth Urichs Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  3. Name: Johan Henrich Elert 22 Feb 1695 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Hans Herman Elert Mother's Name: Liesebeth Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  4. Joh. Henrich Elert 25 Oct 1695 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Simon Elert Mother's Name: Ilsabe Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  5. Joh. Christoffel Elerts 26 Nov 1697 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Hans Herman Elerts Mother's Name: -- : Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  6. Cord Henrich Elert 01 Oct 1699 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Simon Elert Mother's Name: -- Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  7. Simon Henrich Elert 02 Oct 1701 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Hans Herman Elert Mother's Name: -- Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  8. Jost Henrich Elert 11 Jun 1704 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Hans Herman Elert Mother's Name: -- Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  9. Simon Caspar Elert 22 Feb 1707 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Hans Herman Elert Mother's Name: -- Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  10. Liesebeth Elerts christening: 25 October 1709 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY father: Jost Elerts mother: Liesebeth Krugers

  11. Joh. Ernst Elerts christening: 21 September 1710 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY father: Hans Herman Elerts

  12. Caspar Henrich Elerts 28 Jan 1716 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Johan Henrich Elerts Mother's Name: Anna Marlenen Dickewitts Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  13. Johan Herman Elerts 14 Jan 1718 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Johan Jost Elerts Mother's Name: Anna Maria Fridrichs Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  14. Simon Jost Elerts 07 Aug 1718 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Johan Henrich Elerts Mother's Name: Magdalenen Diekewits Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  15. Trina Agnesa Elerts 23 Oct 1718 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: -- Mother's Name: Christina Elerts Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  16. Simon Henrich Elerts birth: 19 October 1719 christening: 8 November 1719 EVANGELISCH,REELKIRCHEN,LIPPE,GERMANY father: Jost Elerts mother: Anna Maria Friderichs

  17. Johan Simon Elerts birth: 20 August 1721 christening: 12 September 1721 EVANGELISCH,REELKIRCHEN,LIPPE,GERMANY father: Johan Josten Elerts mother: Anna Maria Friderichs

  18. Johan Henrich Elert, Christening 14 Nov 1722, EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Elert, Mother's Name: Agneta Melchers LDS Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  19. Jost Henrich Elerten birth: 31 July 1723 christening: 17 August 1723 EVANGELISCH,REELKIRCHEN,LIPPE,GERMANY father: Jobst Elerten mother: Anna Maria Friderichs

  20. Cattharina Hedwig Elerten birth: 26 June 1725 christening: 8 July 1725 EVANGELISCH,REELKIRCHEN,LIPPE,GERMANY father: Jost Elerten mother: Anna Maria Friderichs

  21. Johan Philip Elert 31 Aug 1732 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Toennies Henrich Elert Mother's Name:
    Anna Maria Weber Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  22. Anna Maria Elert 01 Aug 1734 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Toennies Henrich Elert Mother's Name: Anna Elisabeth Webers Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205 Reference ID:

  23. Joh. Simon Elert 14 Feb 1735 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Simon Henrich Elert Mother's Name: Anna Magdalena Vrengers Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  24. Anna Margret. Elert 24 Aug 1738 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Johan Herm Elert Mother's Name: Clara Elisabeth Spriks Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  25. Johan Casimir Elert 02 Nov 1738 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Simon Elert Mother's Name: Magdal. Vrengers Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  26. Anna Maria Elert 01 Mar 1739 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Simon Jobst Elert Mother's Name: Anna Maria Albers Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  27. A. Hedewig Elerts birth: 9 June 1740 christening: 9 June 1740 EVANGELISCH,REELKIRCHEN,LIPPE,GERMANY father: Johan Herman Elerts mother: A. Catharine Sprick

  28. Jen. Elerts birth: 5 September 1741 christening: 17 September 1741 EVANGELISCH,REELKIRCHEN,LIPPE,GERMANY father: Johan Herm. Elerts mother: not named

  29. A. Marie Elerts christening: 14 May 1742 EVANGELISCH,REELKIRCHEN,LIPPE,GERMANY father: Simon Elerts mother: Marg. Vrengers

  30. Johan Henrich Elerts 11 Mar 1742 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Simon Jobst Elerts Mother's Name: -- Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  31. Joh. Herman Elerts 20 Mar 1744 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Johan Herman Elerts Mother's Name: -- Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  32. Elerts christening: 27 September 1744 EVANGELISCH,REELKIRCHEN,LIPPE,GERMANY father: Simon Jobst Elerts

  33. A. Christina Elerts birth: 11 January 1750 christening: 25 January 1750 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY father: Simon Jobst Elerts

  34. Cathr. Ilsabein Elerts 17 Mar 1752 EVANGELISCH, REELKIRCHEN, LIPPE, GERMANY Father's Name: Johan Herman Elerts Mother's Name: --- Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C98329-1 System Origin: Germany-ODM GS Film number: 810205

  1. Hans Herman Elert marriage: 7 October 1691 Evangelisch, Reelkirchen, Lippe, Germany spouse: Anna Liesebeth Bussen

  2. Johan Henrich Elert marriage: 14 November 1714 Evangelisch, Reelkirchen, Lippe, Germany spouse: Anna Marlene Dickewits

  3. Jobst Elerten marriage: 2 October 1716 Evangelisch, Reelkirchen, Lippe, Germany spouse: Anna Maria Friderichs

  4. Hans Herman Elert marriage: 19 December 1716 Evangelisch, Reelkirchen, Lippe, Germany spouse: Anna Maria Wisen

  5. Johan Herman Elerts marriage: 16 July 1737 Evangelisch, Reelkirchen, Lippe, Germany father: Jobst Elerts spouse: Anna Cathar. Sprieck other: Joh. Simon Sprieck

Holtz, Isthrup

Anne Marie Holtz of Istrup married Johann Christoph Elerts in Belle in 1786.

Lippische Familiennamen for 1780 in Istrup; Amt: Blomberg; Kirchspiel: Reelkirchen; heute:

Arens; Arensmeier Beckmann; Beeke; Beinecke(n); Bröckens; Bus(s)e; Cordvaer; Cortvaer; Friedrichs; Henckensmeyer; Höltcken; Jungeblut Kayser; Klärken; Kleine; Kleinsorge; Köecken; Krüger; Kuhlen; Kuhlencord; Kuhlenhenke; Meier; Mesch; Micke(n); Mische; Nöltings; Petersmeier; Peuker(s); Platena; Plöger; Pohlmeier; Riechemeier; Rofe; Schaake; Schönhagen; Schöning; Strohmeier; Uhmeier; Wessel(l); Wieger; Wiese; Wrenger
Lippische Familiennamen for 1780 list Holtz in Mackenbruch Oerlinghausen.

Hausinschriften in Istrup does not include any Holtz.

LDS does not list film for early records in Istrup, Blomberg. May be listed with Blomberg. Istrup is about 6 kms from Blomberg and is now one of the villages in the town of Blomberg.

Amalia Holtzen was a sponsor at the baptism of Amelia Elert in 1792.

Düvels Belle, Lippe, Germany

Anne Marie Düvels married Joh. Simon Ehlerts in Belle in 1763

See Düvels

Möllenbrock, Belle, Lippe, Germany

See Möllenbrock

District of Lippe


German Genealogy: Lippe

A Story and History of my Ancestors of Wöbbel, Lippe, Germany by Fred Richter

Wonderful house inscription images of Maspe on the Der Genealogische Abend (Abend Genealogy)

Der Genealogische Abend Naturwissenschaftlicher und Historischer Verein für das Land Lippe e.V connects to pages of other towns and villages in the area that have painted houses — including Belle and Reelkirchen.

Blanck Introduction
Erxmeyers in Germany
Erxmeyers from Walsrode in New Jersey

If you have any suggestions, corrections, information, copies of documents, or photos that you would like to share with this page, please contact me at maggie@maggieblanck.com